Rules for Office Cleanliness Etiquette

Office Cleanliness

Keeping the office clean is easier said than done for employees and management alike. Furthermore, you might be unaware of your office protocol when it comes to cleanliness etiquette – some Auckland offices operate on an in-house cleaning rota, whereas others may hire an Auckland office cleaning company like us at Paxton Services! Nevertheless, there are some rules for office cleanliness etiquette that you can stick to as an individual, and they are as follows..

Don’t let clutter pile up on your desk

Office cleanliness etiquette is thrown out of the window as soon as you let clutter pile up at your desk. This could include old food packaging, loose papers, and miscellaneous rubbish. Therefore, avoid clutter as much as you can. A tidy desk will also help you feel productive during the day, even if you only sweep away any rubbish for two minutes in the morning!

Dispose of food and food packaging immediately

Uneaten or expired food and food packaging can stink up an office space fast. It’s important for maintaining cleanliness etiquette that you dispose of food and food packaging immediately. Some employees carry miniature trash cans to work for this exact reason! Your coworkers will certainly appreciate your diligence here. 

Avoid strong-smelling scents

Strong-smelling scents, like colognes and perfumes, might make you smell nice outside, but can unfortunately trigger coughs and sneezes in the office. It’s best for you to avoid strong scents entirely, so you can maintain a pleasant atmosphere and respectable etiquette in the office. 

Maintain personal hygiene

A big part of office cleanliness etiquette starts with you. More specifically, maintaining your personal hygiene! Make sure you arrive to work clean, well-groomed and in appropriate workwear. If your workplace has a dress code, adhere to it. We recommend that your clothes are laundered and ironed, too. This makes maintaining personal hygiene so much easier! 

Looking to hire a professional Auckland office cleaning company to keep the workplace spick-and-span? Contact Paxton Services at your earliest convenience. We look forward to maintaining your premises to the utmost standard of excellence.