The Top 10 Germiest Spots in Commercial Buildings

Carpet Cleaning

Do you own or manage a commercial building? If so, then you will want to continue reading this blog. In particular, we will explore the top 10 germiest areas in commercial properties, and what you can do about them. 

With Paxton Services’ Auckland commercial cleaning services, we can ensure that your commercial property remains in pristine condition, especially in the dirtiest spots. So, without further ado, here are the 10 germiest places in commercial buildings:

 1) Computer Keyboards 

Cleaning keyboards before and after use is important in preventing the spread of any illnesses or germs, particularly if computers are shared and aren’t restricted to one person only.  

2) Sink Faucet Handles 

No matter if the sink is in the kitchen or toilet, the sink handles are a prime germ spot, with numerous people touching it throughout the day. 

3) Toilet Door Handles 

In the same vein as the previous, toilet door handles are also used frequently by multiple people, and if not properly cleaned, can lead to the spread of bacteria and germs.  

4) Lift Buttons 

If your building has lifts, it’s not surprising to find that the lift buttons often house germs from people (employees, visitors, customers, etc.) touching them.  

5) Telephones 

Many commercial businesses utilise telephones, but how many know that these should also be thoroughly wiped and cleaned now and then? 

6) Coffee Maker 

Coffee is a must for a busy day, but if the coffee maker hasn’t been cleaned in a while, it could lead to the development of illnesses instead of just a caffeine boost. 

7) Vending Machines 

Likewise, vending machines, from the buttons to the door that’s pushed open to grab the product, should be cleaned regularly. 

8) Light Switches 

Just one flick of the light switch is all it takes for germs and bacteria to transfer from the switch to your hand.  

9) Carpets 

Carpet fibres are effective in trapping dust, germs, and bacteria, which can negatively affect those with allergies.  

10) Desks 

Regardless of whether desks are shared or not, they are one of the dirtiest spots in a building! From coffee stains to sneeze or cough germs, desks require regular cleaning and maintenance.

Looking for Auckland commercial cleaning solutions to help eliminate germs and bacteria in the above spots within your premises? Paxton Services has got you covered. Our cleaning services can effectively make your commercial building spotless, adhering to hygiene and cleanliness standards that will impress employees, customers, and guests. Hire us today!